Friday, 30 December 2011

Create .pem for Apple Push Notification

Hope you registered certificate and generate .cer very well in your apple developer account.

First careful about environment.

for development - Apple Developer IOS Push Services
for Production - Apple Production IOS Push Services

Above two different certificate see in your keychain.
Lets look in screen shot.

NOTE: In screen shot selected Production Certificate, do same for development.

Now just export selected item in your Desktop and give name apns_cer.p12

Now open terminal;
Do bellow steps.

CD Desktop

openssl pkcs12 -in apns_cer.p12 -out apns.pem -nodes -clcerts

In your Desktop successfully  generated apns.pem file for Apple Push notification(APNS), This file you will need to upload on server for communicate with apple server.

Thanks in advance,

Bhavesh Kumbhani
IOS Software Professional 

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